Product Concept Test.

We test products, services, websites, apps, plug-in… Qualitative and quantitative analysis
Carry out your product concept tests in the Canary Islands with Eureka! Marketing. The Canary Islands have a very specific market with concrete caracteristics based in a multicultural society. Before launching an expensive ad campaign or before launching a new product, there is always some uncertainty. We help you reduce your risks and improve your expectations by testing the concept you want to market. Concept test adapt and improve ideas in order to increase the market acceptance so that they have a greater potential than before. Proofs of concept also assess the attractiveness of an alternative product idea, configuration, use, or position. It is possible to evaluate the possibilities of success prior to the investment itself in its creation.
It is carried out in the format of combined qualitative and quantitative studies, in which we measure the fit of the concept of your new product or service in the local market. We do it from different perspectives and at different stages:
- First, before the launch of the product: we test the logo, claim, formulation, utility, uses and customs of your consumer, color, taste, smell (organoleptic properties), price that they are willing to pay, perceived utility …
- Later, once launched and during the life of the product: we measure the acceptance of the product, obtain improvement proposals, evaluate online and offline advertising campaigns. With the gathered information, we avoid errors in language/communication, remove expressions that can be rude or misunderstood, measure the appropriateness of the message, evaluate the image of the product, container or packaging…
We know well the target audience to which your service or product is oriented. And we have to adapt what is offered to the specifications of the Canarian market. You will improve your prospects for success, correct mistakes before making large investments, and understand better the market you want to target.
A concept test carried out in the safest way.
In this technological world, taking care of privacy is paramount. For this reason, Eureka! has a specific security and privacy service for this kind of research. Your data, innovations and marketing strategies are fully insured.
- We ensure a scrupulous treatment of data and sing a confidentiality contract with your company to protect the launch and possible innovations.
- In the case of services, we train our staff in the correct use and presentation of the sample, as well as in the possible responses of the customer service type that may be presented.
- And we present it as it will be in reality, avoiding external biases of any kind that may give a distorted image of the product.
- We take special care to preserve and preserve the organoleptic qualities of your product in product tests.
Product Concept Test.
Carry out your product concept tests in the Canary Islands, a very specific market, with Eureka! Marketing. Before carrying out an expensive launch campaign, an ad campaign or before launching a new product, there is always some uncertainty.
We help you to reduce your risks and improve your expectations by testing the concept you want to market.
More Eureka!’s services
- All
- Customer experience
- Electoral polls
- Field work
- Inbound Marketing
- Launching a product in the Canary Islands
- Market prospecting reports
- Market research
- Marketing Agency in the Canary Islands
- Marketing consulting
- Marketing in the Canary Islands
- Marketing outsourcing
- Mystery Shopper Canary Islands
- Product concept test
- Product developtment
- Sensory analysis
- Surveys