Sensory analysis and organoleptic research.

Sensory analysis, organoleptic product evaluation tests.
Does your product suits your market and customer needs? Do you need feedback from your consumers?
Do you want to adapt your product to the Canarian market and you don’t know how?
The Canarian market is different from the rest of the Spanish market, with specific characteristics and tastes that may be invisible if only a superficial view of it is made. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out product tests (or consumer tests) before the launch of any product. A sensory product test that allows you to adapt your product to local tastes to ensure success. Product tests are an ideal method to optimize the design (physical, formulation, taste, color, design, container, packaging, smell, way of use) of products, which provide an initial prediction of whether the impression sought by the producer it will be felt by consumers, retailers, manufacturers and other parts of the supply chain.
We carry out sensory tests of products in the Canary Islands: as tastings, guided tastings and in situ tests under questionnaire. Rigorous sensory and organoleptic tests, so that your consumer can provide you with direct feedback on your product.
How is our study process?
- We prepare questionnaires according to information objectives: flavors, smells, textures, packaging, packaging …
- We avoid biases with careful presentation and by practicing product tester isolation.
- We test the product with a selected representative sample, made ad hoc, of its target audience.
- We provide quantitative and qualitative results to the tests, with proposals for improvement.
- We collaborate in the improvement of the product, with concrete proposals.
- We ensure complete confidentiality and scrupulous treatment of data, so that you can obtain valid quality information for the development of your product.
Are you looking for a Concept Test? Check what we can do for your business here.
Sensory and organoleptic analysis
Sensory and organoleptic tests of products.
Is your product suitable to the Canary Islands market?
Do you need feedback from your consumers?
Do you want to adapt your product to the Canarian market and you don’t know how?
The Canarian market is different from the rest of the Spanish market, with specific characteristics and tastes that may be invisible to the naked eye. Even between islands there are specific differences.
Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a product test, a sensory product test or an organoleptic test, which allows it to be adapted to local tastes to ensure success.
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- Customer experience
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- Launching a product in the Canary Islands
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- Market research
- Marketing Agency in the Canary Islands
- Marketing consulting
- Marketing in the Canary Islands
- Marketing outsourcing
- Mystery Shopper Canary Islands
- Product concept test
- Product developtment
- Sensory analysis
- Surveys